In an emergency, or when a crime is occurring now, call Triple Zero (000)
Are you a victim of crime?
Click here to make an on-line report to the NSW Police Force Community Portal or call the Police Assistance Line on 131 444
Crime Stoppers provides for the community to report information about crime and criminal activity.
Is your information urgent?
Crime Stoppers will review your on-line report within 48 hours. If the information requires review urgently, call us on 1800 333 000.
Is your information about criminal activity including children that may be at risk of harm?
Call us on 1800 333 000 so we can immediately review your information
The information you provide will be treated in the strictest of confidence.
Crime Stoppers endeavours to keep your personal details confidential in all but a few exceptional circumstances. If you would like further information you should read the disclosure statement on the New South Wales Crime Stoppers website.
Is the information you have related to an existing 'Crime Stoppers' Report?
If yes and you have a reference number from a previous report, please enter the code here, otherwise leave it blank.